var hasplugin = 0; var mainaddr = { '5445': '0xe5bf7c3e8aa529e42fbd99428137b68db75d85f9', '47525974938': '0xe3e08934b6fa0b68972c08e0f545cee31ed039c6' }; window.addEventListener('load', init1 ); async function init1() { bfa_setup( init2 ); } async function init2( err, web3 ) { if ( web3 == undefined ) { window.alert( err ); return; } if ( err == undefined ) hasplugin = 1; window.web3 = web3; console.log( 'window.web3.version.api is ' + window.web3.version.api ); status_start(); show_section('startdiv'); update_create_new_ballot(); } function update_create_new_ballot() { // Find our div var div = document.getElementById('div_create_ballot'); // We get this from status.js var netid = netinfo['number']; // if we do not have the address of the mother contract, we will // not present the user with a choice to create a new form. if ( mainaddr[netid] == undefined ) div.setAttribute( 'class', 'hidden' ); else div.removeAttribute( 'class', 'hidden' ); } function setup_existing_contract( abi, addr) { if ( api_version() == 0 ) { var MyContract = window.web3.eth.contract( abiNew ); contract = addr ); return contract; } window.alert( 'Do not know how to deal with contracts at this API version (' +window.web3.version.api+ ').' ); return; } async function ask_for_ballot_details() { show_section('newcontract'); } async function nueva_votacion() { // We get this from status.js var netid = netinfo['number']; // if ( mainaddr[netid] == undefined ) return; var f = document.forms['form_create_new_ballot']; var arguments = []; // var title = f['title'].value; if ( !title || title == '' ) throw new Error("No title is set"); arguments.push( f['title'] .value ); // var voteStarts = new Date( f['voteStarts'].value ); voteStarts = new Date( + 300000 ); if ( voteStarts == 'Invalid Date' ) throw new Error( voteStarts ); arguments.push( Math.floor(voteStarts.valueOf() / 1000) ); // var voteBefore = new Date( f['voteBefore'].value ); voteBefore = new Date( + 86700000 ); if ( voteBefore == 'Invalid Date' ) throw new Error( voteBefore ); arguments.push( Math.floor(voteBefore.valueOf() / 1000) ); // arguments.push( f['percentOfRegisteredVotersReqToBeValid'] .value ); arguments.push( f['percentOfVotesCastToWin'] .value ); // arguments.push( f['countNonvotesAsBlanks'].value == 'Yes' ); // arguments.push( f['maxVotesPerVoter'] .value ); arguments.push( f['maxVotesPerProposal'] .value ); var proposals = []; var p; for ( var i = 1; p = f['proposal'+i]; i++ ) if ( p.value != '' ) proposals.push( p.value ); popup( 'Trying to access your account.' ); setTimeout( nueva_votacion2, 1000, netid, arguments, proposals ); } async function nueva_votacion2( netid, arguments, proposals ) { await access_accounts(); popup( 'Creating new voting contract.' ); var contract = setup_existing_contract( abiNew, mainaddr[netid] ); if ( ! contract ) return; var rcpt; if ( api_version() == 0 ) { console.log( contract ); try { contract.newBallot( arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7], proposals, { gas: 2111000 }, contract_created ); } catch (error) { popup(error); setTimeout( popup, 5000, '' ); } } } async function contract_created(err,rcpt) { popup( err ); // the actual error, or undefined console.log( rcpt ); if ( !rcpt ) return; if( !rcpt.address ) // The hash of the transaction, which deploys the contract console.log( rcpt.transactionHash ); // check address on the second call (contract deployed) else console.log( rcpt.address ); // the contract address //ver_votacion( newaddr ); } async function ver_votacion( addr ) { if ( addr == "" ) addr = document .getElementById('input_address') .value; popup( 'Loading contract details, if possible.' ); if ( addr && addr.length == 40 ) addr = '0x' + addr; window.web3.eth.getCode( addr, function(err,code) { if ( err ) { popup( 'Unable to get bytecode of contract: ' + err ); return; } ver_votacion2( addr, code ); }); } async function ver_votacion2( addr, code ) { popup( undefined ); console.log( code ); if ( code == '0x' ) { popup( 'There is no contract at that address' ); return; } var keccak3 = window.web3.sha3( code, {'encoding':'hex'} ); console.log( keccak3 ); if ( keccak3 != '0xabcd' ) { popup( 'There is no recognised Ballot contract at that address.' ); return; } var contract = setup_existing_contract( abiBallot, addr ); if ( !contract ) return; //var detailpromises; // make sure we have just a single verdiv //var verdiv; //while ( verdiv = document.getElementById('verdiv')) // verdiv.parent.removeChild( verdiv ); //verdiv = addchild( rootdiv, 'div', undefined, { 'id': 'verdiv' }); // Get headline //var proposaldiv = addchild( verdiv, 'p', 'Proposal:') //contract.methods.proposal().call( {} ) //.then( // function showproposal(result) // { // proposaldiv.innerHTML = 'Proposal: ' + result; // }, // function failproposal(err) // { // proposaldiv.innerHTML = 'Failed to get proposal: ' + err // } //); } async function de_acuerdo_y_firmar() { access_accounts(); if ( ! accExposed ) return; // web3.eth.sendTransaction({/* ... */}); }