#!/bin/bash trap 'exit 1' ERR flag_exit=0 res='fail' cmd='' detect_cmd() { if which $1 > /dev/null 2>&1; then cmd=$1 res='success' fi } detect_cmd 'podman' detect_cmd 'docker' if [[ $res = 'fail' ]]; then echo 'Can not find any command to create containers (podman or docker).' >&2 exit 1 fi if [ "$1" = "test" ] then # TEST tag="test" name="bfanodotest" elif [ "$1" = "latest" ] then # PROD tag="latest" name="bfanodo" else echo Argument 1 must be either latest or test. >&2 exit 1 fi # Run this just a single time. # Command itself makes sure it autostarts if it crashes or the server reboots. $cmd run \ --detach \ --restart=unless-stopped \ --memory 4g \ $mounts \ -p 8545:8545 \ -p 8546:8546 \ -p 30303:30303 \ --name ${name} \ bfaar/nodo:${tag}