## Official URL: https://gitlab.bfa.ar/blockchain/nucleo
## Website: https://www.bfa.ar/
## Container Repository.
1. Install geth
- For Debian read doc/compiling-geth-on-debian.txt
- For Ubuntu read doc/installing-geth-on-ubuntu.txt
2.`sudo apt install jq ncurses-bin curl`
3.`git clone https://github.com/rlegene/bfa.git`
4.`source ${HOME}/bfa/bin/env`
- You can include this line in your .bash_profile if you want.
- It is perfectly safe to source it multiple times.
5. Install this crontab: `@reboot bfa/bin/cron.sh`
- If you are running a sealer you MUST do this.
6. run `start.sh`. This will start synchronizing and probably takes at least an hour.
7. Change your node's settings with `syncmode.sh`
- Do this before you have synced too much in the step before, as it might remove all your downloaded chain data and restart synchronizing the chain.
8. Wait for it to finish synchronizing.
9. Run `maymine.sh` to update your configuration (detects if you are allowed to seal/mine or not).
10. Get some Ether from someone. Once you have some, you can try:
- Create your contract (there is already one deployed, but you can "overwrite" it with your own)
- Type lines of text into `tsa-insert.sh` (end with ctrl-D)
11. Free things to do with the BFA:
- Verify that the checksum has been seen with `tsa-verify.sh "<yourtexthere>"`
- If the text can not be found, it is because your insert transaction still isn't in the blockchain. Wait a bit and try again.
- Try the basic `explorer.sh`. It follows "latest" by default, but you can specify a block number as argument, e.g. `explorer.sh 0` to see genesis (block 0).
- Try out `walker.pl`
12. Install node.js so you can do better scripts locally:
Returns the first blocknumber where the SHA256 checksum of a text was seen. The timestamp can then be found in the block (with `explorer.sh` for instance).